What would YOU like to see on my blog?

Monday 11 May 2015

Le Sisteh Tagggg.

Okay, I'm not copying Candi or Bailey, I'm just also wanting to do the tag.

1: How old are you both?
Me: 12.
Devon: 8.

2: Describe eachother in one word
Me: Annoying.
Devon: Idiot.

Wow. Thanx sis.

3: Do people ever get you mixed up?

Me: No. She's 8
Devon: No. She's four years *bleeping* older than me. 

4: What is something that annoys you about one another?

Me: The way she bites her toenails... *CRINGES*
Sister: How she bites her nails.

That must run is the family; biting nails.

5: Do you ever argue?

Me: No, not really.
Devon: When she doesn't wake up, yes!

6: What's the best thing about one another?

Me: She is as tough as a nail.
Devon: You might need to give me some time, Erin. So f*** off.
Me: **Slaps her** You're only eight. STOP SWEARING ON MY BLOG! 

(Yes, that just happened.)

7:  Fave inside joke?

Me: She used to make a joke about when I would get excited about a band saying "Shhh! It won't give you a heart attack! But jumping around will."

So now we always say to eachother when one of our friends are laughing to hard; "It won't give you a heart attack!"

Devon: What's an inside joke?


8:  Fave memory together?

Me: Once we were at the beach and Danny (Brother) fell in. Devon and I both went in and grabbed him by both arms and pulled him out. <3 Memories of saving Danny's life..

Devon: I'm only 8. How can I remember anything?

9: Full/Half/Step Sister?

Full sisters, sadly.

10: Guess eachother's fave singer?

Me: Niki Manarji or who the flip she is and 1D?
Devon: FOB, MCR and Ed Sheeran??

11: Who takes longer to get dressed.

Me: Me.
Devon: ERIN!!!!!!!!! She took like an hour once and she was only putting mascara on to go to her friends party.

12: Heels or flats?

Um wot?

13: Pants or dresses?

Me: OH. I GET THIS NOW; I'll go Devon and dresses.
Sister: Erin and pants. She ain't nu sister of myn.

14: Favourite animal?

Me: Devon's favourite animal is *I hope* a pony?
Sister: Erin loves meerkats

13: If your house was burning down and you knew all your family was safe; what else would you save and why?

Me: I'd save my sister's Jake The Dog plush, my Brother's Superman toy and my Link model.

And MCR albums.

Sister: The window. Can that even burn?

14: Comedy, Horror or Chick-Lit?

Me: Chiedyor. o-o (All Three. Idc what I read)

Devon: I'm not allowed to read horror and I hate chick lits so it has to be Comedy. duh.

15: Blackberry or iPhone.

Wtf are these questions?

16: Favourite movie?

Me: Aracnaphobia. Even though I hate spiders.
Sister: The new Spongebob movie.

Devon, I'm ashamed that's on my blog.

17: What is something weird that you both eat?

Ready salted crisps with icecream and cucumber. 


18: Do you guys have anything matching?

Both of us: Our hair colour. Nothing else.

19: What's your favourite TV series?

Me: Big Bang, IT Crowd and/or Friends.
Sister: Adventure time and the amazing world of gumball.


I made it through :'D 

-N and Devon <33

(I spellchecked all that for you so you could read it. Damn. I made an extra hour in my life making, finding and editing this for you. Hope you enjoyed ^u^)

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